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Is the "rotation matrix" computed by the "transform sensor" block a DCM or a rotation matrix?

3 views (last 30 days)
I struggle to find a clear explanation as to if the the "rotation matrix" computed by the "transform sensor" block of Simscape Multibody is a DCM or a rotation matrix. To better clarify, let's assume the "transform sensor" measures the transform from the frame B (Base) to the frame F (Follower). I wonder which of the following the matrix that I obtain (R) is:
-pre-multiply type (DCM), so that if I wanna rotate a vector expressed in B, v_B, to be expressed in F, v_F I should do v_F= R*v_B,
-post-multiply type (rotation matrix), so that v_F = v_B*R

Accepted Answer

Steve Miller
Steve Miller on 28 Nov 2022
The Rotation Matrix produced by the Transform Sensor can be used to transform quantities from the Follower frame axes to the Base Frame axes using pre-multiply.
vec_B = R*vec_F
Where vec_B is in the base frame axes and vec_F is in the follower frame axes.

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