- Get Screen Size: First, get the size of the screen using the get(0, 'Screensize') command.
- Set Figure Position: Before displaying the montage or saving the figures, set the figure's position to match the screen size:
Fullscreen animation files montage
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Hi all, I need to montage 5 subplot animation. I've tried but I need them in full screen. How can I make it in full screen? Thanks in advance
Answers (1)
Ayush Anand
on 24 May 2024
You can use the set function with the figure handle to adjust its Position property to fill the screen. Here's how you can do it:
% clc; % Clear the command window.
% close all; % Close all figures (except those of imtool.)
% imtool close all; % Close all imtool figures.
% clear; % Erase all existing variables.
% workspace; % Make sure the workspace panel is showing.
% mainfolder='/Users/mehtap/Documents/MATLAB/Rainbow';
% %Open the excel file
% filelist = dir(fullfile(mainfolder, '**', '*.xls')); %look in all immediate subfolders of folder.
% [fname,pname] = uigetfile('*.xls','LOAD EXCEL FILE');
% fullpath = fullfile(pname,fname);
% DAT = readtable(fullpath, 'VariableNamingRule', 'preserve' );
% Syllable = DAT{:,2};
% b=Syllable;
% b(ismember(Syllable, "[break]"))=[];
% nsyll = numel(b);
% %c=cell(nsyll,5);
% fileNames = cell(5,1);
% for k=1:5
% b=Syllable;
% b(ismember(Syllable, "[break]"))=[];
% idx=ismember(DAT.Syllable,'[break]');
% DAT(idx,:)=[];
% [fname2,pname2] = uigetfile('*.png','LOAD .png FILE');
% mainfolder2=sprintf('Movie Frames from Normal_M1_T%d_POD',k);
% if ~exist(mainfolder2, 'dir'); mkdir(mainfolder2); end
% fileFolder = fullfile(mainfolder,mainfolder2);
% dirOutput = dir(fullfile(fileFolder,'Frame *.png'));
% fileNames{k} = fullfile(pname2, string({dirOutput.name}));
% for l=1:nsyll
% d(k,l)=fileNames{k}(l);
% end
% % Set a break point here to check if the fileNames are correct
% %montage(fileNames{k}(:) ,'Size', [nsyll k]);
% % % show the first image of each subject
% % figure;
% %montage(fileNames{1}(1:5), 'Size', [1 5]);
% %
% end
screenSize = get(0, 'ScreenSize');
for l=1:nsyll
% word = b{l};
p = figure;
set(p, 'Position', screenSize); % Make the figure full screen
% montage(d(:,l),'Size', [1 5]);
% offset = 0;
% text(-30, 0+offset, (sprintf(b{l})), 'fontsize', 8, 'color', 'black', 'fontweight', 'bold')
% offset = offset + 55;
F = getframe(p);
RGB = frame2im(F);
% exportgraphics(p, ['frame/' (sprintf('%d%s', l, b{l})) '.jpeg'], 'Resolution', 300);
% close(p);
See Also
Find more on Basic Display in Help Center and File Exchange
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