How can I get more tick marks/precision plotyy()'s y-axis using set() or simple method?
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Yuki Himekawa
on 20 Aug 2014
Commented: the cyclist
on 25 Jul 2017
I'm currently plotting two data points sharing same independent variable, or I'm plotting the voltage and current versus time onto a single graph with y-axis on both sides as:
[haxes,h1,h2] = plotyy(Time,Voltage,Time,Current);
The data points I'm using is really large and I only want some portions of it so I'm also limiting the display range using:
set(haxes(1),'XLim',[Min Max],'YLim',[MinV MaxV]); %Sets Range set(haxes(2),'Xlim',[Min Max],'YLim',[MinI MaxI]);
When I plot this, I get a good number of tick marks on the X axis or time axis but I get very few number of tick marks displayed on the y-axis. I want something around third order decimal points for voltage and current but the voltage axis has tick marks on every 1 volt and current only has ticks marks on every 20 Amps which is way bigger than I want it. I was wondering if there was a way to get more tick marks using set() if there was some function like,
that will set the number of tick marks or any other simple way to increase the number of tick marks.
Accepted Answer
the cyclist
on 20 Aug 2014
You can set the ticks explicitly with the 'YTick' property, for example
More Answers (1)
on 20 Aug 2014
Yes you can set the Tick marks like this:
so you can customize through the Increment the number of tick marks displayed.
Mahetem Moges
on 25 Jul 2017
Edited: Mahetem Moges
on 25 Jul 2017
what does "gca" represent in the code you wrote?
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