i am using MATLAB R2012b and code composer studio version 5.4

2 views (last 30 days)
i can not build the model and find this error any one cal help me
>> xmakefilesetup ### Generating code into build folder: C:\Users\Uthm\pulse_ticcs ### Invoking Target Language Compiler on pulse.rtw ### Using System Target File: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2012b\toolbox\idelink\foundation\pjtgenerator\rtw\idelink_ert.tlc ### Loading TLC function libraries .... Warning: The data type "int8" uses a word size that is not available on the intended target. Fixed-point signals using this data type will be put inside a larger word or multi words. When used, extra software will be generated to force this larger word or multi words to emulate a smaller word. This emulation is helpful when your prototype target and your final production target are not the same. If the smaller word size does NOT exist on the final production target, then consider increasing the word size to one that is supported.
Warning: The data type "uint8" uses a word size that is not available on the intended target.
. Warning: The data type "boolean" uses a word size that is not available on the intended target.
### Initial pass through model to cache user defined code .. ### Caching model source code .................... ### Writing header file pulse.h . ### Writing header file pulse_types.h ### Writing header file rtwtypes.h . ### Writing source file pulse.c ### Writing header file pulse_private.h . ### Writing source file pulse_data.c ### Writing source file pulse_main.c ### TLC code generation complete. ..### Creating makefile: C:\Users\Uthm\pulse_ticcs\pulse.mk ### Makefile creation done. ### Building makefile... >>

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