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Fuzzy c means clustering

1 view (last 30 days)
faryal on 6 Sep 2014
Commented: Image Analyst on 6 Sep 2014
I have to cluster data for breast cancer diagnosis in 2 clusters benign and malignant that is 1 and 0. I am using findcluster function but with that i am not able to identify how the clusters are made that is i dont know which data comes under which cluster. I really need help. this is my final year project. HELP PLEASE
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Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 6 Sep 2014
You would know better than us. At least you know what the two axes are - you didn't tell us or include code or anything. As far as how fuzzy c-means decides clusters, I suggest you ask your professor or look for online tutorials such as the Wikipedia page on the topic.

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