subtract different column by different number

3 views (last 30 days)
I have a 1000x3 matrix. I want to subtract different column from different number. For example, the first column elements will all be subtracted from 10, those in the second column will be subtracted from 2, the third column will be subtracted from 3.
Any good ways to do this? Thanks a lot!

Accepted Answer

Mischa Kim
Mischa Kim on 1 Oct 2014
Patrick, use bsxfun:
A = [1 2 10; 1 4 20; 1 6 15];
A =
1 2 10
1 4 20
1 6 15
B = bsxfun(@minus, [1 2 3], A)
B =
0 0 -7
0 -2 -17
0 -4 -12

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