Why does the target computer get disconnected?

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I'm setting up a Simulink Real-Time environment for the first time. I connected the host and the target using RS-232. I managed to successfully run slrttest, however after rebooting the following happened:
1st slrttest failed to execute the simulation (test 7)
2nd slrttest failed because there was no connection. After restoring the connection (tg = SimulinkRealTime.target()),
3rd slrttestis was successfully completed.
What could be a reason for that? Additionally, while running the benchmark I observed that the connection gets spontaneously disrupted at different moments, and that it also breaks down when CPU overload error appears.
Target: Intel Core i5, 3.3GHz
Host: Intel Core i5, 2.53GHz; 64-bit Windows 7, MATLAB R2014a
Serial connection

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