What is the code used by controller blocks?
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Hi all
I want to use the Discrete PID Controller or Discrete PID Controller (2DOF) blocks in m-file.
If the two following pictures represent the formula of the two blocks respectively:


What is the code of them?
Answers (1)
Arkadiy Turevskiy
on 15 Oct 2014
You cannot use Simulink blocks in a MATLAB file. You can use the blocks to create a Simulink model. You can then simulate the model by pressing the "run" button or by using sim command.
If that is not what the question was about, you need to formulate the question more clearly.
Arkadiy Turevskiy
on 17 Oct 2014
Edited: Arkadiy Turevskiy
on 17 Oct 2014
These objects are just like other LTI objects, such as transfer functions, and state space systems. You can uses them to create arbitrary feedback loops using commands such as connect and feedback, and then analyze resulting loops in time and frequency domains using commands such as step and bode .
If that is not what you need, you need to write your own MATLAB code to do what you want. You might want to search through MATLAB File Exchange to see if that has already been done by others.
See Also
Find more on Classical Control Design in Help Center and File Exchange
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