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Multiply each element of matrix with corresponding element of another matrix by not using loop. Is there any other more efficient way?

14 views (last 30 days)
Hi everyone!
I have a simple and yet useful question, whose answer could reduce my amount of code (make it more efficient).
I have two matrices and each is of dimensions 1x31. The first matrix called "Prod_year" represents total yearly electricity production and the second one called "fundamental_price_level" is a price curve with future projected electricity prices. I need to multiply each corresponding element of "Prod_year" (x,y) with the correspinding element of "fundamental_price_level" (x,y) or price_floor (this is just one value) when needed. The resulting matices "Mer_EXP_rev", "SP_EXP_rev" and "CfD_EXP_rev" are three different revenue streams, assuming different assumptions about the payment methods to the power plant. These matrices are also all of dimensions 1x31.
Instead of using for loops I would like to economise and use something simpler. Therefore, is there a way to make my code more efficient?
FYI: the first code I am posting works
Price_floor = 45;
%Merchant EXP revenues
Mer_EXP_rev = zeros(1,31);
for x=1
for y=1:31
Mer_EXP_rev (x,y) = Prod_Year (x,y) * fundamental_price_level (x,y);
%SP EXP revenu"#Cfes
SP_EXP_rev =zeros(1,31);
for x=1
for y=1:31
if fundamental_price_level(x,y) < Price_floor
SP_EXP_rev(x,y) = Price_floor * Prod_Year (x,y);
elseif fundamental_price_level(x,y) > Price_floor
SP_EXP_rev(x,y) = fundamental_price_level(x,y) * Prod_Year (x,y);
else fundamental_price_level(x,y) = Price_floor;
SP_EXP_rev(x,y) = Price_floor * Prod_Year (x,y);
%CfD EXP revenues
CfD_EXP_rev = zeros(1,31);
for x=1
for y=1:31
CfD_EXP_rev (x,y) = Price_floor * Prod_Year (x,y);
I tried doing the below code for the case of "Mer_EXP_rev" but it did not work because I get an error saying "Error using * Inner matrix dimensions must agree."
Mer_EXP_Rev2 = zeros(1,31);
Mer_EXP_Rev2(1,1:31) = Prod_Year(1,1:31) * fundamental_price_level (1,1:31);
I would appreciate yout help to learn how to handle matrix multiplication in a better way.
Thanks a lot for your time!

Accepted Answer

KSSV on 16 Nov 2021
Mak Dukan
Mak Dukan on 16 Nov 2021
How would you apply it to this code?
SP_EXP_rev =zeros(1,31);
for x=1
for y=1:31
if fundamental_price_level(x,y) < Price_floor
SP_EXP_rev(x,y) = Price_floor * Prod_Year (x,y);
elseif fundamental_price_level(x,y) > Price_floor
SP_EXP_rev(x,y) = fundamental_price_level(x,y) * Prod_Year (x,y);
else fundamental_price_level(x,y) = Price_floor;
SP_EXP_rev(x,y) = Price_floor * Prod_Year (x,y);

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