Join some matrices to one matrix

2 views (last 30 days)
Moe on 3 Nov 2014
Edited: per isakson on 3 Nov 2014
I have a cell array of matrix m{j} % which row numbers are different in each j
How can I bring all of them in one matrix?
For example:
m{1} = [2;3;4;7;1;20];
m{2} = [5];
m{3} = [1;2;70];
So, I need a new matrix like:
new = [2;3;4;7;1;20;5;1;2;70];

Accepted Answer

Mikhail on 3 Nov 2014
Edited: per isakson on 3 Nov 2014
for i=1:n % n - number of cells
%%% So we take each m{i}, turn it into 1 column calling m{i}(:) and join it to our new column

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