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Matlab2017b conducts joint commissioning with CANoe13 and often reports error

5 views (last 30 days)
hello supporter,
I have the following problems when using Simulink and canoe for joint debugging:
Question 1:
After installing the MATLAB plug-in in canoe, two absolute paths will be added to the search path in MATLAB (matlab - > Home - > set path),
Whether these paths contain subdirectories,(这些路径是否包含子目录)
If not, can I set include subdirectories with one click( 如果不包含,是否可以一键设置包含子目录)
If you can one click enable or script implementation, please tell me how to use it
If the one click enable or script cannot be implemented, I manually add the sub file path, and unexpectedly tell that the path reports special characters @, but there are no special characters in fact(如果不能一键使能或脚本的实行, 我手动添加子文件路径,竟然告知,路径报告特殊字符@, 实际并没有特殊字符)
If yes, I am using CN When compiling with TLC, there is always a lack of cnutils H file, and I also put this cnutils H copy from the installation directory to the current path, which is also unrecognizable(如果包含,我在使用cn.tlc 进行编译的时候,总是出现缺少cnutils.h文件, 同时我也将这个cnutils.h 从安装目录下拷贝到当前路径下,也是不能识别)
Why can't matlab recognize the path added in the system environment,(matlab 为什么不能识别系统环境中添加的路径,)
These paths only contain the. H files generated by the installation in Visual Studio (2017). This problem can be solved only under the current file(这些路径仅仅包含的是Visual Studio(2017)中安装生成的.h文件,必须是当前文件下才可以解决该问题)

Accepted Answer

Xiaoning.Wang on 21 Feb 2022
在安装完CANoe插件的时候,必须需要重启电脑,Library 中才可以显示!
安装了MinGW64 Compiler (C) 是不管用的,必须Visula C++
Trial>> mex -setup
MEX 配置为使用 'MinGW64 Compiler (C)' 以进行 C 语言编译。
警告: MATLAB C 和 Fortran API 已更改,现可支持
包含 2^32-1 个以上元素的 MATLAB 变量。您需要
更新代码以利用新的 API。
要选择不同的 C 编译器,请从以下选项中选择一种命令:
MinGW64 Compiler (C) mex -setup:C:\Users\900355\AppData\Roaming\MathWorks\MATLAB\R2017b\mex_C_win64.xml C
Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 (C) mex -setup:E:\Install\Matlab2017b\bin\win64\mexopts\msvc2017.xml C
mex -setup C++

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