Trying to formulate and solve a LMI

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Ashik Rahman
Ashik Rahman on 18 Dec 2021
Commented: Ashik Rahman on 21 Dec 2021
I am very new to LMI and trying to solve the following LMI
((I + UC)A)'P + P(I + UC)A
+ (VCA)'Y' + Y(VCA)
-C'K' -KC< 0
and P>0
I have formulated the code below following
Am I doing it correct? geting a warning Warning: In (1,1) block of LMI #1, non-symmetric term AXB was replaced by (AXB+B'XA')/2. For safety, set FLAG='s' to specify AXB+B'XA' in one shot.
and following message
These LMI constraints were found infeasible
Thank you in advance
CD_Plus = inv((C*D)'*(C*D))*(C*D)';
U = -D*CD_Plus;
V1 = (C*D)*CD_Plus;
V = eye(length(V1))-((C*D)*CD_Plus);
%% LMI
Q = (eye(size(U*C,1))+U*C)*A;
M = V*C*A;
C1(1,:) =C;
P = lmivar(1,[size(Q,1) 1]);
K1 = lmivar(1,[size(C1,1) 1]);
Y1 = lmivar(1,[size(M,2) 1]);
lmiterm([-1 1 1 P],1,1); % P>0
lmiterm([1 1 1 P],1,(eye(size(U*C,1))+U*C)*A,'s'); % ((I+UC)*A)'*P+P*(I+UC)*A
lmiterm([1 1 2 Y1],1,V*C*A); % Y*(V*C*A)
lmiterm([1 1 2 -Y1],(V*C*A)',1); % (V*C*A)'Y'
lmiterm([1 2 1 0],-1);
lmiterm([1 2 2 0],1);
lmiterm([-1 1 1 K1],1,C1); % K*C
lmiterm([-1 1 1 -K1],C1',1); % C'*K'
LMISYS = getlmis;
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 21 Dec 2021
Sorry, not a topic I have had reason to look at before.
Ashik Rahman
Ashik Rahman on 21 Dec 2021
Thank you for your time though

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