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How to shade a graph (full and some part)?

34 views (last 30 days)
In this figure, say a graph is plotted plot(a,b). First, how can I shade full graph in gray color (either left or right side) and then how to shade a small zone?

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 20 Dec 2021
Try something like this —
y = linspace(0,10); % Assume Row Vectors (Actual Data Not Provided)
x = randn(size(y));
yg = (y >= 2) & (y <= 4); % Special Shading Region
plot(x, y)
xl = xlim;
hold on
patch([x, ones(size(x))*xl(2)], [y, flip(y)], [1 1 1]*0.75)
patch([x(yg), ones(size(x(yg)))*xl(2)], [y(yg), flip(y(yg))], [0 1 1]*0.85, 'EdgeColor','none')
hold off
If the vectors are column vectors, the easiest way to use my code with them would be to transpose them to row vectors and then use my code without significant changes to it. Define the ‘yg’ logical vector appropriately for the available data.
Nisar Ahmed
Nisar Ahmed on 3 Jan 2022
@Star Strider Dear thanks, it is working well. stay happy
Star Strider
Star Strider on 3 Jan 2022
As always, my pleasure!
Thank you!

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