Draw a polar plot from cartesian plot of gain function
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I have used MATLAB to draw the following gain function of an antenna array, the code was as follows,
Nt=8; deltat=1; Lt=8; omegat=-2:0.01:2; for j=1:length(omegat) gainfunction(j)= (1/Nt) * exp(i*pi*deltat* omegat(j)* (Nt-1)) * (sin(pi*Lt*omegat(j))/sin(pi*Lt*omegat(j)*Nt^-1)); end plot(v,abs(gainfunction)) title( 'Radiation Pattern Cartesian Plot','linewidth',30) grid on ylabel('|f(\Omega_r)|','linewidth',25) xlabel('\Omega_r','linewidth',15)
The image below is a radiation pattern of an antenna, i.e it shows the gain function denoted by f(\Omega) as function of $\Omega$ from -2 to 2.
My question is I would like to plot the following in *polar coordinates* to see how the main lobe is in degrees.
Any thoughts on how I can continue to the polar plot using MATLAB ?
Answers (1)
Youssef Khmou
on 6 Nov 2014
In the code, v is not defined, i assume is it omegat, try :
polar(omegat,abs(gainfunction)); % 20*log10(abs(gainfunction)) doe dB

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