Oops! I found the example code in the Help. Now, my figure looks like this :
So, it looks like I have to do my stuff in the callback function, shown this way in the Help documentation :
function bselection(source,event)
disp(['Previous: ' event.OldValue.String]);
disp(['Current: ' event.NewValue.String]);
I guess, then, I should reformulate my question, can I simply 're-call' or 're-issue' the scatter3 function from within this callback function :
function bselection(source,event)
h=scatter3(LabIN(2,:),LabIN(3,:),LabIN(1,:),80,RGB,'fill', 'MarkerEdgeColor', [0,0,0], 'Linewidth', 1.3);
Thanks in advance for your help and patience... I'll continue my research in case...