Rapid Accelerator support for C++ targets

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Are there any plans for Rapid Accelerator to support C++ targets? We have models using C++ S-Functions and cannot use these with Rapid Accelerator mode or Simulink Compiler.

Accepted Answer

Murali Manikanti
Murali Manikanti on 11 Aug 2023
The support for Rapid accelerator C++ target was introduced in R2022a. To generate the C++ target, you need to modify the configuration parameter `SimTargetLang` as depicted in the image below:
Alternatively, you can use the command line setting by executing the following command:
set_param(model, 'SimTargetLang', 'C++');
For further information on the 'SimTargetLang' setting, please visit the following page: https://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/gui/language.html

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