error message undefined variable best_salt_2

2 views (last 30 days)
I cant see that best_salt_2 hasnt got a value in this function I have attached; I get an error saying ''undefined variable best_salt_2''
Can somebody help me? :)
Naveen Somasundaram
Naveen Somasundaram on 17 Jan 2022
Hey there, The error you get is probably because you have not set the value i.e initialized variable best_salt_2 before trying to check something on it, for example performning isempty(best_salt_2) on an undefined variable will throw that error.
Can you screenshot the error line and your workspace at that point. I can explain it better then.
PS: try to intend the code so it is readable. It saves a lot of time in debugging.
Muazma Ali
Muazma Ali on 17 Jan 2022
@KSSV Hi This is the input that goes in from another function,
S={'NH4Cl'; 'MgCl2'; 'CaCl2'; 'KCl'; 'ZnSO4'; 'NaCl'; 'ZnBr2'; 'CH3CO2K';'HCOOK';'HCOONa'; 'CaBr2'};
str={'Choose salts available, minimum of two and maximum of three'};
result=listdlg('Promptstring',str, 'ListSize', [100,100], 'ListString', S, 'SelectionMode', 'multiple');

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Answers (1)

Muazma Ali
Muazma Ali on 17 Jan 2022
@Naveen Somasundaram I have tried to inted the code now. I get the message at the same line as the
if ~isemtpy(best_salt_1)&&~isemty(best_salt_2)

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