Generalized sorting function with user defined (template-)criterion
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IIs there a build in function for sorting cell arrays with a user-defined comparison function(-handle) like qsort in ANSI-C (or corresponding template-based technique in C++/STL... or other modern languages)?
To make it clear what I search for, I added an elementary handmade C-Code-example, that I tested with MS-VS-2015:
Below the code a screenshot of the output. One can see that it is possible with this technique to sort according to arbitrary criteria. In the example, the elements are sorted with respect to the character ascending as a primary criterion and with respect to the numeric element in descending order as a secondary criterion (applied when different elements have the same character).
I hoped that such approaches might also be available as Matlab-build-in concepts for more general fields of data-structures?
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct myStrDef {
int num;
char lit;
void myStrPrint(myStrDef* myStr) {
printf("%c | %d\n", (*myStr).lit, (*myStr).num);
int myCmpfunc(const void * a, const void * b) {
int judgement;
myStrDef v, w;
v = *(myStrDef*)a;
w = *(myStrDef*)b;
judgement = v.lit - w.lit; // sort in alphabetic order
if (0 == judgement) {
judgement = -(v.num - w.num); // minus = in desc. order
return judgement;
int main() {
int idx;
myStrDef myStrucList[5];
myStrucList[0] = { 10, 'y' };
myStrucList[1] = { 10, 'x' };
myStrucList[2] = { 1, 'z' };
myStrucList[3] = { 100, 'a' };
myStrucList[4] = { 10000, 'a' };
printf("before sorting:\n");
for (idx = 0;idx < 5; idx++) {
qsort(myStrucList, 5, sizeof(myStrDef), myCmpfunc);
printf("\nafter sorting:\n");
for (idx = 0;idx < 5; idx++) {

Answers (2)
Bruno Luong
on 28 Mar 2022
Edited: Bruno Luong
on 29 Mar 2022
AFAIK there is no such thing in stock function in MATLAB, the main reason is MATLAB function calling mechanism will kill the performance with user-defined comparison.
However it is not hard to write your own quicksort algorithm. My implementation below has another drawback since swapping elements requires deep-copy (?) which is slow.
% Example:
s=arrayfun(@(x) sprintf("%d",x), randi(200,1,20))
ss=qsort(s, @(x,y) sign(double(x)-double(y)))
(EDIT: optimize qsort function)
function [A, is] = qsort(A, cmpfun)
% function [As, is] = qsort(A, cmpfun)
% A: vector array or vector cell array
% cmpfun: comparison function for form @(x,y)
% return -1 if x<y
% return +1 if x>y
% return 0 otherwise
% where x and y are (cell)elements of A
% As: A, but sorted, i.e. so that cmpfun(A(i),A(j)) <= 0 for any i<=j
% is: index vector so that A(is) is equal to As.
% Example:
% s=arrayfun(@(x) sprintf("%d",x), randi(200,1,20))
% ss=qsort(s, @(x,y) sign(double(x)-double(y)))
n = length(A);
is = 1:n;
if nargin < 2
cmpfun = @(x,y) sign(x-y);
is = qsort_helper(A, cmpfun, is);
A = A(is);
end % qsort
% quicksort recursive engine
function idx = qsort_helper(A, cmpfun, idx)
if ~isempty(idx)
[p, idx] = partition(A, cmpfun, idx);
idx(1:p-1) = qsort_helper(A, cmpfun, idx(1:p-1));
idx(p+1:end) = qsort_helper(A, cmpfun, idx(p+1:end));
function [p, idx] = partition(A, cmpfun, idx)
% idx(1:n) is selft-permutation such that
% pivot = A(idx(p));
% all(A(idx(1:p-1))<=pivot) && all(A(idx(p+1:n))>=pivot)
n = size(idx,2);
p = 1;
if ~isempty(idx)
% pivot index: strategy median-of-three
% A(idx(mid)) <= A(idx(1)) <= A(idx(n))
mid = floor((1 + n) / 2);
if cmpfun(A(idx(mid)),A(idx(n))) > 0
idx = swap(idx, n, mid);
if cmpfun(A(idx(mid)),A(idx(1))) > 0
idx = swap(idx, 1, mid);
if cmpfun(A(idx(1)),A(idx(n))) > 0
idx = swap(idx, 1, n);
pivot = A(idx(p));
i = p+1;
j = n;
% Loop to satisfied pivot condition
while true
while i<n && cmpfun(A(idx(i)),pivot) <= 0
i = i + 1;
while j>1 && cmpfun(A(idx(j)),pivot) >= 0
j = j - 1;
if i < j
idx = swap(idx, i, j);
i = i + 1;
j = j - 1;
% i is first element of right segment
if j > 1
% Last swap to put the pivot as the last element of the left subdivision
idx = swap(idx, 1, j);
p = j;
function idx = swap(idx, i, j)
% swapt two elements idx, indexes by i and j
temp = idx(i);
idx(i) = idx(j);
idx(j) = temp;
Bruno Luong
on 30 Mar 2022
PS: The qsort.m attached in the comment is fater than the ons posted in the awswer.
Prasanna Konyala
on 1 Apr 2022
@Bruno Luong Thanks for the suggested approach
@Jürgen I understand, you want to sort the data using template-based sorting. Currently, this functionality is not available in MATLAB. I have brought this issue to the notice of the concerned people and it might be considered for a future release.
Prasanna Konyala
on 28 Mar 2022
Hi Jürgen
From my understanding, you are trying to sort values on custom criteria. This can be done using sortrows().
This sorts the cell array based on 2nd column as primary criteria in ascending order and 1st column as secondary criteria in descending order
See Also
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