How to keep rows whose values follow a certain sequence?

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I have a matrix composed of two columns A and B, I need to only keep the rows which contain the sequence 90-180-270:
-------- ----------
90 1 90 1
180 9 180 9
270 2 270 2
90 0 -> 90 0
270 3 180 4
90 0 270 6
180 4
270 6
How can I implement this into a Matlab code?
Stephen23 on 3 Feb 2022
Edited: Stephen23 on 3 Feb 2022
"It only includes three possible numbers: 180, 270 and 90. (I wrote 1 2 3 for simplicity reasons)."
It is more complex and slower. Because solutions that work with 1-2-3 might not work with other values. But because you gave us incorrect information we all spend our time developing solutions that might not suit your needs at all.
You should tell us the exact values and the exact order.
Lu Da Silva
Lu Da Silva on 3 Feb 2022
Edited: Lu Da Silva on 3 Feb 2022
Yes, the actual sequence is 90, 180, 270. But that shouldn't matter, the code should work for any given sequence.

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Accepted Answer

Stephen23 on 3 Feb 2022
Edited: Stephen23 on 3 Feb 2022
Here is an old MATLAB trick that you can use, which still works today:
Where M is your matrix and S is the desired sequence:
S = [90,180,270]; % the required sequence
M = [90,1;180,9;270,2;90,0;270,3;90,0;180,4;270,6]
M = 8×2
90 1 180 9 270 2 90 0 270 3 90 0 180 4 270 6
X = strfind(M(:,1).',S);
Y = X-1+(1:numel(S)).';
Z = M(Y,:)
Z = 6×2
90 1 180 9 270 2 90 0 180 4 270 6

More Answers (1)

David Hill
David Hill on 3 Feb 2022
for k=1:length(s)
Lu Da Silva
Lu Da Silva on 3 Feb 2022
I tried your suggestion but I get an error:
Error using strfind
First argument must be text
David Hill
David Hill on 3 Feb 2022
This should work.
r(r==90)=1;r(r==180)=2;r(r==270)=3;%change based on sequence desired
for k=1:length(f)

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