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What is the meaning of A (1: ,: ) in matlab

42 views (last 30 days)
What is the meaning of A (1 ,: ,:) in matlab
the matrix A is 4x4
so What is the meaning A (1,: ,:) =4*A (2,: ,:)
and A (4,: ,:) =7*A (2,: ,:)

Accepted Answer

Davide Masiello
Davide Masiello on 4 Feb 2022
If there are three indexes specified, it makes sense only if your matrix has three dimensions.
If it is actually 4x4, then A(1,:,:) yields the same result of A(1,:), i.e. extracting the first row of A.
So, the actual operation you are performing is A(1,:) = 4*A(2,:), which replaces the first row of A with its second row multiplied by 4.
Likewise, A(1,:) = 7*A(2,:) replaces the first row of A with its second row multiplied by 7.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 5 Feb 2022
@alize beemiel, spending two hours in this would greatly help you. A good investment of your time:

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