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Fixed node locations using graphplot() with Markov chains

2 views (last 30 days)
I have developed a few lines of code to generate markov chains from a transition vector ('stagesVec'). The code works well and I now wish to compare multiple transition vectors. If I run the code a second time with a second transition vector I get a new Markov chain with the new infromation.
My problem is this, the two Markov chains have the same nodes, however the nodes move (plotting location) between graphs, this makes a visual inspection very difficult. I would like for the nodes to remain in the same place, but edges (the connecting lines between the nodes) to be removed as required by the probability matrix. I will include a couple of images below to hopefully make this easier to understand! I have had a look at both doc graphplot and figure -> edit but cannot see anything obvious.
Thanks for the help,
tm = full(sparse(stagesVec(1:end-1),stagesVec(2:end),1));
stateNames = ["N1" "N2" "N3" "R" "U" "W" ];
mc = dtmc(tm,"StateNames",stateNames);

Accepted Answer

Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 18 Feb 2022
Store the handle of the GraphPlot in a variable, h1 in the code below.
adjacency1 = sprand(6, 6, 0.2);
D1 = digraph(adjacency1);
h1 = plot(D1);
When you plot the second graph or digraph, specify the XData and YData name-value pair arguments using the XData and YData properties of the GraphPlot created from the first graph or digraph.
adjacency2 = sprand(6, 6, 0.2);
D2 = digraph(adjacency2); % Different digraph
h2 = plot(D2, 'XData', h1.XData, 'YData', h1.YData);
To show that the second digraph, if left to its own devices, would plot the nodes in different locations:
h3 = plot(D2);
Zeeshan Mumtaz
Zeeshan Mumtaz on 2 May 2023
@Steven Lord Thanks alot. It worked well for me. I have initiated a loop so that all successive nodes align themselves with the previous one.
for i=1:n-1
h.YData(i+1) = h.YData(i);
Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 2 May 2023
You could use scalar expansion
mc.StateNames=["E0" "E1" "E2" "E3"];
nodePlace = graphplot(mc);
D2 = digraph(mc.P,mc.StateNames); % Different digraph
h = plot(D2);
layout(h, 'layered', 'Direction', 'right', 'Sources', 'E0', 'Sinks', 'E3');
h.YData(1:3) = h.YData(2); % Leaving E3 in place so you can see that E0 & E2 moved
You could use : instead of 1:3 if you want to move all the nodes to the same Y coordinates as E1.

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