Simulating 10 biased coin flips 100 times
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n = 10; %amount of flips done 1 million times
arr = zeros(n); %array to store heads in n flips
toss = (U < 0.6388888888888); %biased coin toss probability
while j < 10 %Repeating the 10 coin flips 100 times
heads = 0; %Reset heads counter
for i = 1:n %The 10 coin flips
U = rand(0,1); %Rng
if U < 0.6388888888888 %Head/tail counter
heads = heads + 1; %Amount of heads /10 tosses total counter
arr(heads) = arr(heads) + 1; %accessing point in array and adding one tick
j = j + 1; %ticker for while loop
histogram(arr) %graphing
As the title says, I am trying to code 10 coin tosses 100 times. And I am also trying to graph it. However the program enevr runs or graphs correctly. Rather general question but I can't find the error? I think it's the "arr(heads) = arr(heads) + 1" because I've reread it a ton but I'm stuck.
Accepted Answer
on 25 Feb 2022
rand(0,1) returns a 0-by-1 array.
rand() returns a (uniformly distributed) random number between 0 and 1.
See other changes below:
n = 10; %amount of flips done 1 million times
% arr = zeros(n); %array to store heads in n flips
arr = zeros(1,100);
% toss = (U < 0.6388888888888); %biased coin toss probability
j = 1;
% while j < 10 %Repeating the 10 coin flips 100 times
while j <= 100 %Repeating the 10 coin flips 100 times
heads = 0; %Reset heads counter
for i = 1:n %The 10 coin flips
% U = rand(0,1); %Rng
U = rand();
if U < 0.6388888888888 %Head/tail counter
heads = heads + 1; %Amount of heads /10 tosses total counter
% arr(heads) = arr(heads) + 1; %accessing point in array and adding one tick
arr(j) = heads;
j = j + 1; %ticker for while loop
histogram(arr) %graphing
xlabel(sprintf('# of heads in %d coin flips',n))
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