Something is wrong with my FFT results
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Nathan Lively
on 9 Mar 2022
Answered: Nathan Lively
on 10 Mar 2022
I've been over this for a couple of hours and I can't find where the error is. I just want to confirm that at each step of the process that I'm doing it correctly so all of the outputs should match.
- Import loudspeaker response data in magnitude and phase.
- Convert to complex number.
- Interpolate.
The first three steps return matching plots, but the plot of the fourth step has something wrong with it. What am I doing wrong??
And here's the magPhase2complex function I made:
function Z = magPhase2complex(mag_dB,phase_deg)
Z = [db2mag(mag_dB) .* exp(1j*(deg2rad(phase_deg)))];
some n
% Get some Data
CSVmainFile = '/Users/nathanlively/Downloads/PRX615M_Main.csv';
M_TF = readtable(CSVmainFile,'ReadVariableNames',false);
M_TF.Properties.VariableNames = {'frequency','magnitude','phase','coherence'};
% Convert to complex
M_TF.Z = magPhase2complex(M_TF.magnitude,M_TF.phase);
% Interpolate and fill missing
newFs = 192000;
main = timetable('SampleRate',newFs);
main.Hz = linspace(0,newFs,newFs)';
main.Z = interp1(M_TF.frequency,M_TF.Z,main.Hz,'pchip',NaN);
main.Z = fillmissing(main.Z,'nearest','EndValues','extrap');
main.magnitude = mag2db(abs(main.Z));
main.IR = real(ifft(main.Z)) * height(main);
main.Zrecon = fft(main.IR) / height(main);
main.magnitudeRecon = mag2db(2*abs(main.Zrecon));
semilogx(M_TF.frequency,M_TF.magnitude, main.Hz,main.magnitude, main.Hz,main.magnitudeRecon)
xlim([20 20000]);ylim([max(M_TF.magnitude)-10 max(M_TF.magnitude)]);
legend('original','interp1','reconstructed magnitude','FontSize',22)
Bjorn Gustavsson
on 10 Mar 2022
@Chris Turnes - fair points, the question just struck me as I read your description, and thought that "the optimal procedure surely ought to be the averages of the real and the conjugated complex parts". But I see the use-case and that my flicker of an idea doesn't really apply...
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