How to do it more efficiently?

1 view (last 30 days)
Ilham Hardy
Ilham Hardy on 23 Dec 2014
Commented: Ilham Hardy on 24 Dec 2014
In my script, this piece of code is taking about 70% of processing time.
The idea is to create uniform timestamp, it searches the time array and compare it with the Tsynced. if there is no similar entry, the other parameters to NaN.
Is there anyway to change the script below without using find function? Even better if no for-loop is required.
for ix = 1:length(time_synced)
[r,~,~] = find(cCells(:,1)==time_synced(ix),1,'first');
if isempty(r)
curArr(ix,:) = NaN;
curArr(ix,:) = cCells(r,:);

Accepted Answer

Roger Stafford
Roger Stafford on 23 Dec 2014
See if this is faster:
[t,ic] = ismember(time_synced,cCells(:,1));
curArr(t) = cCells(ic);
curArr(~t) = NaN;
Note: This assumes that 'time_synced' and 'curArr' are vectors of the same length.
Ilham Hardy
Ilham Hardy on 23 Dec 2014
Ah, yes. It is way faster than the previous find+for-loop method.
Ilham Hardy
Ilham Hardy on 24 Dec 2014
A bit correction for other fellow readers,
[t,ic] = ismember(time_synced,cCells(:,1));
curArr(t,:) = cCells(ic,:);
curArr(~t,:) = NaN;
PS: The curArr is preallocated.

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More Answers (1)

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov on 23 Dec 2014
[l0,ii] = ismember(time_synced,cCells(:,1));
out = nan(numel(time_synced),size(cCells,2));
out(l0,:) = cCells(ii(l0),:);

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