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How to use sprintf in a variable name?

5 views (last 30 days)
Sam on 27 Dec 2014
Answered: Star Strider on 27 Dec 2014
For example, I want to do this (but it gives an error):
row = 4
col = 2
Duration_Trial(num2str('col'))_pp(num2str('row')) = length(data_stair_rise(row, col).VideoSignals)/data_stair_rise(row, col).VideoFrameRate; % expression after the '=' is not important.
What did I do wrong?

Answers (1)

Star Strider
Star Strider on 27 Dec 2014
You don’t need num2str. Just use ‘row’ and ‘col’ as they are:
Duration_Trial(col, _pp(row)) = length(data_stair_rise(row, col).VideoSignals)/data_stair_rise(row, col).VideoFrameRate;
I cannot follow what you are doing, but that change should at least get you closer to what you want.


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