read specific values and ignore them using fread
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Nick Vasilakis
on 31 Mar 2022
Commented: Nick Vasilakis
on 31 Mar 2022
So I'm trying to find a way to read from a matrix of size 1x2000 the values that are assigned in positions 750 to 834 using the fread command.
Basically I open the given file that I want to read,using the command:
im_1=fread(fid,251,'uint8'); %read the main header of the file and the line header and toss them away
im_2=fread(fid,[],'uint8'); %This is the part where I want to read the 750 to 834 bitstream and toss them away
Any idea on how can I manage this?
Accepted Answer
yanqi liu
on 31 Mar 2022
yes,sir,may be use loop to make it,but the result should be check,such as
im_1=fread(fid,251,'uint8'); %read the main header of the file and the line header and toss them away
im_2 = [];
for i = 1 : 834
tmp = fread(fid,1,'uint8');
if i >= 750
im_2 = [im_2 tmp];
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