So I got response from Matlab support, apparently there is a bug caused by latest update of Matlab 2022a. In order to fix this bug you are supposed to:
1. In the MATLAB command line, run the following: cd(matlabshared.supportpkg.getSupportPackageRoot)
2. In the MATLAB command line, then run the following: cd('toolbox\target\supportpackages\shared_linuxservices\+matlabshared\+internal\+linuxhwsetup')
3. Rename the existing 'WindowsHardwareModule.p' to 'WindowsHardwareModule_bak.p'
4. Copy the 'WindowsHardwareModule.p' (that I have attached in this email) to the MATLAB you are currently in
5. Run the following in the MATLAB command line: rehash toolboxreset
6. Exit and restart MATLAB
This bug might occure with other boards. I got my hands on Zynq 702 and the error is the same.