How to omit pictorial presentation of Scalogram?

3 views (last 30 days)
Dear all,
I would appreciate if anybody can give me a hand regarding the following issue. I have written a function to derive scalogram for every time steps of data, however it keeps showing every scalogram figure in a loop and I want to get rid of figure presentation. The following is my code, and I would be grateful if you tell me how to fix it to close the scalogram windows.
function A=CWTPIC(B)
global nsize
Fs = 50;
fb = cwtfilterbank('SignalLength',nsize,...
sig = B;
[cfs,frq] = wt(fb,sig);
t = (0:nsize-1)/Fs;
shading interp;axis off;

Answers (1)

Sarthak on 15 Sep 2023
Hi Hamed,
I understand you want to close the plot generated after every loop iteration.
You can achieve this by making use of MATLAB's figure handles and closing figures as needed within your loop.
You can refer to the documentation of “close” and can make use of it in your code.
Hope this solves your query.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 21 Sep 2023
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