how to do union of geopolyshape?

29 views (last 30 days)
Sierra on 28 Jun 2022
Answered: Kurt on 14 Jan 2025
I made several geopolyshapes in geoplot. but I want to merge every geopolyshape to one geopolyshape,
I've used union of plot, but it didn't work for geoplot
This is my code for plotting the first image.
for i = 1:length(dep_xl)-1
shape1 = geopolyshape([dep_lat(i,1),dep_lat(i,2),dep_lat(i,3),dep_lat(i,4)],[dep_lon(i,1),dep_lon(i,2),dep_lon(i,3),dep_lon(i,4)]);
shape2 = geopolyshape([dep_lat(i+1,1), dep_lat(i+1,2), dep_lat(i+1,3) ,dep_lat(i+1,4)],[dep_lon(i+1,1),dep_lon(i+1,2), dep_lon(i+1,3) ,dep_lon(i+1,4)]);
hold on
and this is what i tried.
for i = 1:length(dep_xl)-1
shape1 = geopolyshape([dep_lat(i,1),dep_lat(i,2),dep_lat(i,3),dep_lat(i,4)],[dep_lon(i,1),dep_lon(i,2),dep_lon(i,3),dep_lon(i,4)]);
shape2 = geopolyshape([dep_lat(i+1,1), dep_lat(i+1,2), dep_lat(i+1,3) ,dep_lat(i+1,4)],[dep_lon(i+1,1),dep_lon(i+1,2), dep_lon(i+1,3) ,dep_lon(i+1,4)]);
polyout = union(shape1,shap2)
hold on

Answers (2)

Jaynik on 6 Oct 2023
Hi Sierra,
According to my understanding you want to find the union of shapes of type "geopolyshape". Currently, we cannot find the union for "geopolyshape" type directly. Instead of using "geopolyshape", you can try using the "geoshape" type with the "polybool" function for union. Following is a sample code to perform the union of two "geoshape" type variables:
geoShape1 = geoshape([dep_lat(i,1),dep_lat(i,2),dep_lat(i,3),dep_lat(i,4)],[dep_lon(i,1),dep_lon(i,2),dep_lon(i,3),dep_lon(i,4)]);
geoShape2 = geoshape([dep_lat(i+1,1), dep_lat(i+1,2), dep_lat(i+1,3) ,dep_lat(i+1,4)],[dep_lon(i+1,1),dep_lon(i+1,2), dep_lon(i+1,3) ,dep_lon(i+1,4)]);
[lat, lon] = polybool('union', geoShape1.Latitude, geoShape1.Longitude, geoShape2.Latitude, geoShape2.Longitude);
% Convert the resulting latitude and longitude arrays back to geopolyshape object
polyout = geopolyshape(lat, lon);
You can also use "polyshape" instead of "geoshape" to directly use the "union" function like this:
geoShape1 = polyshape([dep_lat(i,1),dep_lat(i,2),dep_lat(i,3),dep_lat(i,4)],[dep_lon(i,1),dep_lon(i,2),dep_lon(i,3),dep_lon(i,4)]);
geoShape2 = polyshape([dep_lat(i+1,1), dep_lat(i+1,2), dep_lat(i+1,3) ,dep_lat(i+1,4)],[dep_lon(i+1,1),dep_lon(i+1,2), dep_lon(i+1,3) ,dep_lon(i+1,4)]);
ans = union(geoShape1, geoShape2);
geopoly = geopolyshape(ans.Vertices(:, 1), ans.Vertices(:, 2));
You can read more about these functions here:
Hope this helps!

Kurt on 14 Jan 2025
You can simply concatenate the lat and lon tables and create a new geoshape. However, the more complex the resulting object is, the more likely you are to break it by creating unintended NaNs in the data. The more vertices you add, the more complicated the object becomes to render. When you hit the upper limit of several thousand vertices, the whole thing falls apart.
latBig = [lat;latNew];
lonBig = [lon;lonNew];
k = boundary(latBig(:),lonBig(:)); % get the edges
pgon = geopolyshape(latBig(k),lonBig(k));

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