Combining symbolic differential equations

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Michael on 11 Jul 2022
Commented: Michael on 11 Jul 2022
I have the following two equations:
syms R C positive
syms u_e(t) u_a(t) i(t)
eq1 = u_e(t) == R * i(t) + u_a(t)
eq1 = 
eq2 = i(t) == C * diff(u_a(t), t)
eq2 = 
I want to use the expression i(t) of equation 2 in equation 1. Using solve does not help.
solve(eq2, i(t))
Warning: Solutions are parameterized by the symbols: [z1, z2], z2. To include parameters and conditions in the solution, specify the 'ReturnConditions' value as 'true'.
Warning: Solutions are only valid under certain conditions. To include parameters and conditions in the solution, specify the 'ReturnConditions' value as 'true'.
ans = struct with fields:
C: z1 t: z2
Could anyone give me a hint, how to do this?
  1 Comment
Michael on 11 Jul 2022
Meanwhile I found the following solution:
syms R C positive
syms u_e(t) u_a(t) i(t)
syms U_0 real
Gl1 = u_e(t) == R * i(t) + u_a(t)
Gl1 = 
Gl2 = i(t) == C * diff(u_a(t), t)
Gl2 = 
Gl3 = subs(Gl1,lhs(Gl2), rhs(Gl2))
Gl3 = 
Thank you for your discussion.

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