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Calculating the H0_LOS & P_rec_dBm and draw it at every new psi & phi values?

1 view (last 30 days)
I am calculating the optical received power via the following two lines of code:
P_r_LOS = P_t.*H0_LOS.*T_s.*G_Con;
P_rec_dBm = 10*log10(P_r_LOS*1000);
The main equation that I deal with is with this line of code:
H0_LOS(r_x,r_y,i_t)= (m+1)*A_det/(2*pi*d_tr^2)*cos(phi)^m*cos(psi);
First, I wanted to try phi = 0 & psi = 0, and it successfully gave me the results, but when I applied phi = 0:5:30 and psi = 0:5:30, it only gave me the results for the last value of phi & psi which is 30.
I want to calculate the received optical power and draw it at every new phi & psi value.
May I get any assistance, please?
close all;
clear variables;
N_t = 1; % Number of light sources
L=20; W=20; H=3; % Length, width and height of the room (m)
theta_half = 30;
m = -log(2)./log(cosd(theta_half)); % Lambertian order of emission
coord_t = [0 0 0]; % Positions of the light sources
n_t_LED = [0, 0, -1]; n_t_LED = n_t_LED/norm(n_t_LED); % Normalized normal vector of each light source
n_t = repmat(n_t_LED, N_t, 1); % Normalized normal vectors of the light sources
P_LED = 2.84; % Average electrical power consumed by each light source (W)
param_t = {coord_t, n_t, P_LED, m};
A_det = 1e-4; % Photoreceiver sensitive area (m²)
FOV=60*pi/180; % Field-of-view of the photoreceiver
T_s = 1; % Gain of the optical filter (ignore if not used)
index=1.5; % Refractive index of the Rx concentrator/lens (ignore if not used)
G_Con = (index^2)/sin(FOV); % Gain of an optical concentrator; ignore if no lens is used
n_r = [0, 0, 1]; % Normal vector of the photoreceiver
n_r = n_r/norm(n_r); % Normal vector of the photoreceiver (normalized)
step = 0.5; % Distance between each receiving point (m)
X_r = -L/2:step:L/2; % Range of Rx points along x axis
Y_r = -W/2:step:W/2; % Range of Rx points along y axis
N_rx = length(X_r); N_ry = length(Y_r); % Number of reception points simulated along the x and y axis
z_ref = 0.85; % Height of the receiver plane from the ground (m)
z = z_ref-H; %z=-1.65; % Height of the Rx points ("-" because coordinates system origin at the center of the ceiling)
if ( abs(z) > H )
fprintf( 'ERROR: The receiver plane is out of the room.\n' );
param_r = {A_det, n_r, FOV}; % Vector of the Rx parameters used for channel simulation
%% LOS received optical power calculation
phi = 0:10:30;
psi = (0:10:30).';
N_phi = numel(phi);
N_psi = numel(psi);
H0_LOS = zeros(N_rx,N_ry,N_t,N_phi,N_psi);
P_rec_dbm = zeros(N_rx,N_ry,N_t,N_phi,N_psi);
T = param_t{1}(1,:);
P_t = param_t{3};
for r_x = 1:N_rx
for r_y = 1:N_ry
for i_t = 1:N_t
x = X_r(r_x); y = Y_r(r_y);
R = [x,y,z];
v_tr = (R-T)./norm(R-T);
d_tr = sqrt(dot(R-T,R-T));
H0_LOS(r_x,r_y,i_t,:,:) = (m+1)*A_det/(2*pi*d_tr^2)*cosd(phi).^m.*cosd(psi);
P_r_LOS = P_t.*H0_LOS.*T_s.*G_Con;
P_rec_dbm = 10*log10(P_r_LOS*1000);
%% Plotting
[x,y] = meshgrid(X_r,Y_r);
P_rec_dbm_extracted = P_rec_dbm(:,:,:,3,5);
xlabel( 'X(m)' );
ylabel( 'Y(m)' );
zlabel( 'Received power (dBm)' );
axis([-L/2 L/2 -W/2 W/2 min(min(P_rec_dbm_extracted)) max(max(P_rec_dbm_extracted))]);
xlabel( 'X(m)' );
ylabel( 'Received power (dBm)' );

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