How to save MAT files into a text file

4 views (last 30 days)
Bran on 24 Feb 2015
Edited: Stephen23 on 25 Feb 2015
I have an automated process where by I save my outputs into various MAT files. I wish now to combine these into one text file with the various MAT files making up the different columns. I am not sure how to do it this an automated way. As I have many outputs I would rather not do this myself at the end

Answers (1)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 24 Feb 2015
Bran on 24 Feb 2015
Thanks guys, sorry I dint realise I had put it as an aswer instead of a comment
Stephen23 on 24 Feb 2015
Edited: Stephen23 on 25 Feb 2015
This code does not really make much sense, and you should reivew the link that Sean de Wolski gave in their Answer.
When you read the documentation for csvwrite it states on the very first line: csvwrite(filename,M) writes matrix M into filename as comma-separated values
So what are you hoping to achieve with your code
where myfilename is a string (containing a filename) ? Where is the numeric matrix that the function requires?
Indeed where is the "other variable" that you are talking about? Which columns? Of what? If each file 'MeanWeight%d.txt contains data that you wish to import, then you need to import it first, before it can be saved again in a CSV file. Examples of this can be found in that link.
Also note that currently every iteration of the loop completely overwrite the file Overall.txt. This is probably not what you intended.

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