Advice to best analyze a balance task

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I am conducting a research study where subjects are sitting in a simulated wave motion cabin on top of a 6 DOF device to try to get them sick. With this I am having the subjects complete some cognitive tasks during the ride. One of the tasks is having the subjects hold a board and try to keep it level to earth. Subjects are given the example that is a glass of water is sitting on top of the board you do not want it to spill. There is an IMU placed on the board gathering their inputs. I am trying to figure out what the best way is to analyze how well the subjects did on keeping the board level. I tried RMS error and it was really messy. Any advice would be helpful. I attached a figure of the subject IMU inputs as well as reference IMU that is capturing the movement of the simulator.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 28 Sep 2022
The RMS is a single number. Exactly what about that number tells you whether it (the RMS metric) "worked out" or "wasn't working very well"?
Austin Bollinger
Austin Bollinger on 28 Sep 2022
It works in a sense, but I just don't think RMS is the way to go.
Bad: Roll 6.4533 Pitch 13.0291
Good: Roll 2.6608 Pitch 3.2351
Here is two of the subjects. The subject that did the task very well had a low RMS acorss the trial, which is what I am looking for, but the subject that did bad had a higher RMS than even the reference values. The deviation from 0. It works in a sense that it does tell me this subject did awful at the task.

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Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 28 Sep 2022
If you don't like rms then maybe use mad - the mean or median deviation of the absolute value of the signal. It's like RMS but less influenced by extreme values.

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