I need to do project on Image processing, help me out?

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hi MATLAB central admins. I am an mechanical student, I am trying to do my M.E project in MATLAB i.e., using the concept of Features Extraction and Recognition in IMAGE PROCESSING. plzz guide me...

Accepted Answer

Christiaan on 10 Mar 2015
As a starter, a helpful documentation can be found on this Mathworks website. Here you find a variety of models to detect an object.
In this example specific objects can be found, by providing extra images of only the object itself. (Feature-based object detection)
In this Simulink example, Simulink is used to track an object during a movie. (Object Recognition)
Good luck! Christiaan
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hitheshwar pujari
hitheshwar pujari on 11 Mar 2015
Thank you... thank u very much for ur concern.... but i rather need a mechancal application needed concepts... it will be very much helpfull if get mechanical related concepts.... to be precise... i want to extract and recognize features from an 3-D machanical part drawing... but ur answers are also were helpfull..thank u....

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