code for solving given equations. Eq1 = x == 10-(1.5835*(y^1.7643)); Eq2 = x == (2^y-2)/(0​.3143*(2)^​y+0.3329*(​1.5)^y+0.3​528*(1)^y)​;

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please provide me the code for solving these 2 equations
Eq1 = x == 10-(1.5835*(y^1.7643));
Eq2 = x == (2^y-2)/(0.3143*(2)^y+0.3329*(1.5)^y+0.3528*(1)^y);

Accepted Answer

Davide Masiello
Davide Masiello on 11 Oct 2022
Edited: Davide Masiello on 11 Oct 2022
It seems like MatLab can't find a symbolic solution and returns instead a numerical one
syms x y
Eq1 = x == 10-(1.5835*(y^1.7643));
Eq2 = x == (2^y-2)/(0.3143*(2)^y+0.3329*(1.5)^y+0.3528*(1)^y);
Warning: Unable to solve symbolically. Returning a numeric solution using vpasolve.
ans = struct with fields:
x: 1.2828532005832256353146494059188 y: 2.6294109442595236460264103143885
Another way of solving it
f = @(x) [10-(1.5835*(x(2)^1.7643))-x(1);...
fsolve(f,[1 1])
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
ans = 1×2
1.2829 2.6294

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