Set zeros/poles numerically in FilterDesigner

1 view (last 30 days)
Is it possible to set the zeros/poles numerically as well in the FilterDesigner tool? So first I can place zeros/poles graphically as I wish approximatelly and then I can do it as well numerically?

Answers (1)

Moksh on 5 Sep 2023
Edited: Moksh on 5 Sep 2023
Hi Peter,
The 'Filter Designer Tool' in MATLAB offers a functionality via which you can edit the filter through the 'Pole-Zero plot' by numerically setting the coordinates for poles and zeros.
After displaying the pole-zero plot, you can edit each one manually by selecting it and specifying it's parameters in the pole-zero editor pane on the left.
Please refer to the 'Editing the Filter Using the Pole/Zero Editor' section of the following document for more clarification.
I hope this helps!




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