I am a beginner with matlab,
I made a test campaign with more than 400 specimens of which I have images taken by scanning electron microscope in JPEG, each specimen was made by varying the parameters (P, Ta, Td...etc) as can be seen in the attached table The photos are saved with names ranging from 1 to 400 that correspond to the "RUN" in the table or execution of the test my purpose is to be able to tie the "run" of the table with the name of the photo so that I can easily select photos that have similar parameters, e.g., sorting the parameters P, Ta,Td etc in ascending order by deleting all values that come out of a desired range and automatically see the photos corresponding to those specimen by creating a new folder that contains these images or seeing them directly in MATLAB.
I hope I was able to explain my intent, i guess this is a common problem for beginning researchers, but I couldn't find anything on the forum and on internet, that's why I wrote here hoping someone can help me.
thank you very much