Not able to see data from DBC file while using CAN Explorer toolbox

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I am trying to run example "Receive and Visualize CAN Data Using CAN ExplorerWhile using CAN Explorer toolbox", after loading DBC file and configuring signals, When I click start button no data is transmitted. Why I am not able to see transmiited data here?

Answers (1)

Harimurali on 26 Mar 2024
Hi Shivangni,
I understand that you have loaded the DBC file to the CAN Explorer, configured the signal table, configured the signal scopes and tried to run the explorer. The issue here is that there is no CAN data for the explorer to visualize, due to which the message table, signal table and the signal scopes are empty.
CAN data needs to be transmitted so that the CAN Explorer can receive the data and then the data will appear in the message table, signal table and the signal scopes.
Start monitoring in the explorer and run the "replayCANData" MATLAB script mentioned in the given documentation:

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