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How to write a matlab code for this equation?

3 views (last 30 days)

Answers (1)

Luca Ferro
Luca Ferro on 6 Jan 2023
Edited: Luca Ferro on 6 Jan 2023
Fi= @(I) ((2*(alpha*beta)^((alpha+beta)/2))/T(alpha)*T(beta))*(I^(alpha+beta))*K*2*sqrt(alpha*beta*I);
if you want to show alpha and beta as symbols in the workspace you can go for something like (see here):
Since you didn't specify anything i interpreted T as a function. You will need to define it as well.
Luca Ferro
Luca Ferro on 9 Jan 2023
yeah you are definetly right about K, it is indeed a function for sure, i just didn't notice. This should be correct now:
Fi= @(I) ((2*(alpha*beta)^((alpha+beta)/2))/T(alpha)*T(beta))*(I^(alpha+beta))*K(2*sqrt(alpha*beta*I));
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 9 Jan 2023
Edited: Walter Roberson on 9 Jan 2023 ? Or is it ?

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