How do you plot elements of a cell array?

56 views (last 30 days)
Given a cell array where each element contains a vector of numbers of type double, I select a few elements to analyze. They are all collected for the same x data. In general, how would I generate a figure with plots of any arbitrary number of cell array elements of vectors of type double?
Would it make sense to output the desired cell array elements into a matrix and then plot that? The corresponding matrix of x values would (I think) be the same size, and the columns would be identical to one another since the x data are the same. If that's the case, how do I do that?

Accepted Answer

Cameron on 13 Jan 2023
Loop through your cells and use the hold on then hold off command.
cellData{1} = [(1:20)',(1:20)' + rand(20,1)];
cellData{2} = [(1:20)',2*(1:20)' + rand(20,1)];
cellData{3} = [(1:20)',3*(1:20)' + rand(20,1)];
cellData{4} = [(1:20)',4*(1:20)' + rand(20,1)];
hold on
for CellColumn = 1:length(cellData)
hold off
Darcy Cordell
Darcy Cordell on 8 May 2023
Any way to do this by avoiding for loops? I have a large cell array and I find that the plot(x,y); hold on really slows down the plotting.
Cameron on 8 May 2023
Can you give an example of what your data looks like?

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