Create plot (fig file) from text file

4 views (last 30 days)
Steen on 19 Jan 2023
Commented: Steen on 31 Jan 2023
I am using the below code to import data from text file. The code is working, but the .Fig file are very slow afterwards
Is the code ok, or is there a better way
datafile = 'Test_1_pre_test_with_Prose_Fan_Load_streng_1_error_at_8_procent_115222_230119_TEST_1.txt';
T = readtable(datafile,'Format','auto');
T1 =T;
hold on
t = T1.TIME;
P = T1.Properties.VariableNames(2:end);
for K = 1 : length(P)
fn = P{K};
plot(t, T1.(fn), 'DisplayName', fn);
hold off
set(gcf, 'visible', 'on')
legend show

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 19 Jan 2023
T = readtable(datafile,'Format','auto');
P = string(T.Properties.VariableNames) ;
plot(T, P(1), P(2:end)) ;
legend show
Steen on 31 Jan 2023
I might be because of file size. If I make a shorter file, I can save it. But I cant change the file size og why can do you think I can save the file, when using the below code
datafile = 'Test_1_pre_test_with_Prose_Fan_Load_streng_1_error_at_8_procent_115222_230119_TEST_1.txt';
T = readtable(datafile,'Format','auto');
T1 =T;
hold on
t = T1.TIME;
P = T1.Properties.VariableNames(2:end);
for K = 1 : length(P)
fn = P{K};
plot(t, T1.(fn), 'DisplayName', fn);
hold off
set(gcf, 'visible', 'on')
legend show

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