keypress callback not working for a second called UIFigure

9 views (last 30 days)
Hello, I have a UIFigure which opens a second UIFigure, but in this second UIFigure the keypress callback is not working. My app is very long so I just attached the code where the main UIfigures calls the other, the start function of the second UIfigure, and my keypress callback function. I already tried to focus on the figure with: figure(app.UIFigure), but it didn't work.
Thanks in advance.
%this code is in the main UIFigure
function goButtonPushed(app, event)
app.GraficasWindow = Graficas(app,app.OscCh,app.magnitudes); %Graficas is the name of my second uiFigure
%this is the starting function of second UIFIgure
function startupFcn(app, PDatorWindow, OscCh, magnitudes)
%bunch of other irrelevant things
%and this is the callback function
function UIFigureKeyPress(app, event)
key = event.Key;
  1 Comment
Christian Mier
Christian Mier on 6 Feb 2023
I just noticed that the keypress callback does not work when the app.cursor is enabled. So now my question is: How can I enable the keypress callback and the app.cursor at the same time?

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Accepted Answer

Christian Mier
Christian Mier on 12 Feb 2023
The problem is that once the datacursor mode is enable, the KeyPressFcn is blocked. So, if you want to continue using the KeyPressFcn and at the same time move the data cursor, you can use the following code:
function UIFigure2KeyPress(app, event)
key = event.Key;
app.cursor = datacursormode(app.UIFigure2); %this line can alse be in the startupFcn
if key(1)=='r' %"r" stands for rightarrow
elseif key(1)=='l' %"l" stands for leftarrow

More Answers (1)

Jasvin on 10 Feb 2023
A possible workaround for this can be trying to change the focus to a UI element that’s within the second UI Figure via the focus() method ( And from here you can try out options like setting the active figure via figure(app.UIFigure) again or if it's feasible, change the KeyPress callback from the UI Figure to this UI component that’s within the second UI Figure.
  1 Comment
Christian Mier
Christian Mier on 12 Feb 2023
Thanks for your answer, but it does not solve my problem. The real is problem is that keypress function and enabling the app.cursor cannot coexist at the same time. I have answered with a different approach that help for my specific situation.

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