Visualisation of multichannel time series data

2 views (last 30 days)
I have XxY sensor channels arranged in a matrix of X and Y dimension each recording time series data. As an output I have XxYxN matrix where X and Y are the spacial indices of the sensors and N in the time indices. How do I visualise this data while retaining the spatial indices of the channels.
I was using surf function over (XxY) matrix with a for loop over N to make a video;
But I want to visualise all the time series data across all channels i.e; the entire XxYxN matrix in a single image;
How can I do that?
Just for reference, the size of my matrix is 30X40X500

Accepted Answer

Kevin Holly
Kevin Holly on 17 Feb 2023
Edited: Kevin Holly on 17 Feb 2023
Would something like this work?
time = 1:.1:50; % 500 data point
signal = cos(time);
for ii = 1:30
for jj = 1:40
hold on
If you have on large matrix (30x40x500) called m, you may code it as such:
for ii = 1:size(m,1)%or ii = m(:,1,1)
for jj = 1:size(m,2)%or jj = m(1,:,1)
hold on
deboleena sadhukhan
deboleena sadhukhan on 23 Feb 2023
Thanks a lot, this works fine;
But I think in my case, for detecting the spatial and temporal location of events, this kind of display is not efficient;
Making an animation will be useful;
Thanks alot for all your help;
deboleena sadhukhan
deboleena sadhukhan on 24 Feb 2023
Also can you please suggest how can I employ "isosurface" to visualise my matrix?
My matrix is having values in the [-0.1 - +0.1].

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