Trouble changing the value of a member of a class in Matlab

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What does the + sign here means?
  • I am trying to assign a new value to a member of a .NET object in Matlab:
  • The type of variable is not clear to me, I have used class and there is a '+' sign in the class type returned by Matlab
K>> device.MotorDeviceSettings.TriggerConfigSettings
ans =
KCubeTriggerConfigSettings with properties:
TriggerPolarity2Str: [1×1 System.String]
Trigger2Polarity: TriggerHigh
TriggerPolarity1Str: [1×1 System.String]
Trigger1Polarity: TriggerHigh
TriggerMode2Str: [1×1 System.String]
Trigger2Mode: TrigOUT_GPO
TriggerMode1Str: [1×1 System.String]
Trigger1Mode: TrigIN_GPI
UseType: UseEitherSettings
K>> device.MotorDeviceSettings.TriggerConfigSettings.Trigger2Mode
ans =
K>> class(device.MotorDeviceSettings.TriggerConfigSettings.Trigger2Mode)
ans =

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 14 Mar 2023
Java objects and .NET objects and similar objects are not restricted by MATLAB's naming rules. MATLAB
It looks like you are using Thorlabs Kinesis with an API description at . KCubeTriggerConfigSettigns+TriggerPortMode appears to be an enumerated type. The specific values are listed on page 246 of that document.

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