How do I loop over all columns in a cell array?

4 views (last 30 days)
The following code caluclates the outliers above 3 standard deviations for a single column in balls_data{2,1}(:,1).
data = balls_data{2,1};
mean_val = mean(cat(1, data{:})); % calculate the mean
std_val = std(cat(1, data{:})); % calculate the standard deviation
threshold = 2*std_val; % set the threshold for outlier detection
outliers = cellfun(@(x) x(x > mean_val + threshold | x < mean_val - threshold), data, 'UniformOutput', false); % find the outliers
I now need to run the same code over all columns in balls_data{2,1}.
Could someone help me make this into a loop?
Voss on 17 Mar 2023
Sounds like rmoutliers would work for that.
"B = rmoutliers(A) detects and removes outliers from the data in A.
  • If A is a matrix, then rmoutliers detects outliers in each column of A separately and removes the entire row."
data = cell2mat(balls_data{2,1});
data_no_outliers = rmoutliers(data,'mean');
Note that for rmoutliers(_,'mean'), "Outliers are defined as elements more than three standard deviations from the mean." And your code was using two standard deviations.
lil brain
lil brain on 17 Mar 2023
Edited: lil brain on 17 Mar 2023
Interesting. This is much simpler of course! What if I would want to remove the outliers for each column in each of the 27 cells in balls_data while skipping over the empty cells?
I want to avoid using means or standard deviations for that matter whch are calculated from all columns in a cell or all cells in balls_data.
Could you be so kind to show me how that code would look?

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Answers (3)

Voss on 17 Mar 2023
balls_data is a cell array of cell arrays, except for two cells, which contain empty 0-by-0 numeric matrices
{ 668×21 cell } {1195×21 cell } {1210×21 cell } {1911×21 cell } { 757×21 cell } { 520×21 cell } {1406×21 cell } {1090×21 cell } {1012×21 cell } { 572×21 cell } { 640×21 cell } {2655×21 cell } {1983×21 cell } { 513×21 cell } { 609×21 cell } {1654×21 cell } {1012×21 cell } { 564×21 cell } { 0×0 double} {1927×21 cell } { 941×21 cell } { 644×21 cell } { 748×21 cell } { 713×21 cell } { 662×21 cell } {2758×21 cell } { 0×0 double}
First, convert the cell arrays of scalars in balls_data to matrices, using cell2mat:
balls_data_mat = cellfun(@cell2mat,balls_data,'UniformOutput',false);
balls_data_mat is a cell array of matrices. Note that cell2mat([]) returns [], so the cells that contained the empty 0-by-0 matrices still contain them. But the other cells contain matrices now. So all cells contain matrices now.
{ 668×21 double} {1195×21 double} {1210×21 double} {1911×21 double} { 757×21 double} { 520×21 double} {1406×21 double} {1090×21 double} {1012×21 double} { 572×21 double} { 640×21 double} {2655×21 double} {1983×21 double} { 513×21 double} { 609×21 double} {1654×21 double} {1012×21 double} { 564×21 double} { 0×0 double} {1927×21 double} { 941×21 double} { 644×21 double} { 748×21 double} { 713×21 double} { 662×21 double} {2758×21 double} { 0×0 double}
Second, remove the rows containing outliers in each matrix:
balls_data_mat_no_outliers = cellfun(@(x)rmoutliers(x,'mean'),balls_data_mat,'UniformOutput',false);
balls_data_mat_no_outliers is a cell array of matrices. Now the matrices each have fewer rows than they did (except the empty ones, which remain empty), because the rows containing any outlier have been removed.
{ 617×21 double} {1169×21 double} {1210×21 double} {1722×21 double} { 757×21 double} { 469×21 double} {1227×21 double} {1042×21 double} {1004×21 double} { 529×21 double} { 609×21 double} {2370×21 double} {1983×21 double} { 466×21 double} { 585×21 double} {1548×21 double} { 969×21 double} { 555×21 double} { 0×0 double} {1828×21 double} { 905×21 double} { 614×21 double} { 666×21 double} { 706×21 double} { 598×21 double} {2706×21 double} { 0×0 double}

Sulaymon Eshkabilov
Sulaymon Eshkabilov on 16 Mar 2023
Here is the complete code to calculate all outliers:
% Note balls_data is a cell array contains some empty cells as well. Thus,
% we need this step to remove them:
balls_data_0=balls_data(~cellfun('isempty',balls_data)); % Remove empty cells
for ii=1:length(balls_data_0)
data = balls_data_0{ii,1};
mean_val = mean(cat(1, data{:})); % calculate the mean
std_val = std(cat(1, data{:})); % calculate the standard deviation
threshold = 2*std_val; % set the threshold for outlier detection
outliers{ii,:} = cellfun(@(x) x(x > mean_val + threshold | x < mean_val - threshold), data, 'UniformOutput', false); % find the outliers
lil brain
lil brain on 17 Mar 2023
thank you very much. However, when I run this code I get:
Assigning to 21 elements using a simple assignment statement is not supported. Consider using comma-separated list assignment.
Error in untitled5 (line 25)
outliers{ii,:} = cellfun(@(x) x(x > mean_val + threshold | x < mean_val - threshold), data, 'UniformOutput', false); % find the outliers
Why is that?

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Sulaymon Eshkabilov
Sulaymon Eshkabilov on 17 Mar 2023
Use this code as given here then you will not get the errors which are shown in your message thread:
IDX =~cellfun('isempty',balls_data);
for ii=1:length(balls_data)
if IDX(ii)~=0
data = balls_data{ii,1};
mean_val = mean(cat(1, data{:})); % calculate the mean
std_val = std(cat(1, data{:})); % calculate the standard deviation
threshold = 2*std_val; % set the threshold for outlier detection
outliers{ii,:} = cellfun(@(x) x(x > mean_val + threshold | x < mean_val - threshold), data, 'UniformOutput', false); % find the outliers
outliers{ii,:} = []; % Will contain an empty cell where balls_data is empty
ans = 1×2
27 1
ans = 1×2
27 1
lil brain
lil brain on 17 Mar 2023
Sure! But I still get the same error for some reason.
Assigning to 21 elements using a simple assignment statement is not supported. Consider using comma-separated list assignment.

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