- The graphics drivers for your machine might not be up to date. Try executing the "gpuDevice" command after installing the latest driver for your machine from the NVIDIA website, and see if the crash still occurs.
- Command involving MATLAB graphics can lead to a crash on machines using older NVIDIA drivers. You can refer to the following article for more details : https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/161580-matlab-crashes-when-using-graphics-with-older-nvidia-opengl-drivers
- This issue can occur when a laptop uses the integrated graphics card instead of the NVIDIA card. For resolution steps, you can refer to the following MATLAB Answers post: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/308308-gpudevice-crashing-entire-system
Matlab crashes when I try to access Gpu
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Hi, I am running Matlab 2021a, and have Nvedia GeForce GTX 1660 Ti.
I have installed latest CUDA, both the toolkit and the driver, 12.1. But still my Matlab crashes, whenever I type "gpuDevice" or trainNetwork, or any command which uses gpu.
I have run out of things I can try, does anyone know where the problem might be?
Answers (1)
Govind KM
on 27 Sep 2024
Hi Avi,
The most common reasons for MATLAb crashing when accessing the GPU are:
Providing the crash log would help in debugging the issue further. For help in locating the crash log files, refer to the article below:
Hope this is helpful!
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