Deep Learning HDL Toolbox - DE10-Standard

11 views (last 30 days)
sdsd sdsd
sdsd sdsd on 2 Apr 2023
Answered: Vikram Venkatesh on 19 May 2023
I am trying to use a DE10-Standard FPGA development kit and I use this example: as a reference. I am trying to do step ,,Create the reference design definition file. To generate a deep learning processor IP core, you must define these three AXI4 Master Interfaces" but I struggle with this part of a code:
hRD.addCustomVivadoDesign( ... 'CustomBlockDesignTcl', 'system_top.tcl',... 'VivadoBoardPart', '');
I know that I should use addCustomQsysDesign function that refers to Qsys project file, but I want to know what that project needs to contain. Clock, HPS, PLL and DDR memory Interface?

Answers (1)

Vikram Venkatesh
Vikram Venkatesh on 19 May 2023
The Qsys project file must contain all modules referenced in the block diagram in this, except for the deep learning processor IP core. The project file requires:
  • Clock source
  • JTAG AXI Manager Interface
  • DDR4 external memory interface
  • Hard Processor System (HPS), and
  • PLL




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