How to save Char from Structure into Array MATLAB

29 views (last 30 days)
Hello, I hope you are doing well. I have the following Dataset which is basically in Structure form.
I want to save the ClassName array of two rows and one column using for loop
I have tried the following code But the codes does not work. Can any body help me with that
load ('Dataset.mat')
for i =1:length(Dataset)

Answers (1)

Stephen23 on 5 Apr 2023
S = load('Dataset.mat');
D = S.Dataset
D = 1×2 struct array with fields:
ClassName Values
T = string({D.ClassName})
T = 1×2 string array
"Dog" "Cat"
SH on 5 Apr 2023
@Stephen23 Dont want to convert it into string.
Use char and save it into array using loop
Stephen23 on 5 Apr 2023
Edited: Stephen23 on 5 Apr 2023
"Dont want to convert it into string. Use char and save it into array using loop"
S = load('Dataset.mat');
D = S.Dataset
D = 1×2 struct array with fields:
ClassName Values
C = char(D.ClassName)
C = 2×3 char array
'Dog' 'Cat'
A string array is better. A loop is not required.

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