Solving System of 3 equations non trivial

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Px = 8.08*10^5
Py = 4.63*10^5
P_A = 9.54*10^4
pCr = .89*10^5
m = [0 (pCr-Px) (pCr*.076);(pCr-Py) 0 0; 0 (.076*pCr) (.0089*(pCr-P_A))]
B = [0; 0; 0];
for pCr = .88*10^5:.1:.9*10^5
m = [0 (pCr-Px) (pCr*.076);(pCr-Py) 0 0; 0 (.076*pCr) (.0089*(pCr-P_A))]
X = linsolve(m,B)
if X ~= [0;0;0]
PCrit = pcr;
I already know one critical values and my current proccess odviously does not work by testing a lot of Pcr values until I do not have a trivial I think there is a way to do it through Linear Algebra but I am brain farting right now.

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 14 Apr 2023
Px = 8.08*10^5
Px = 808000
Py = 4.63*10^5
Py = 463000
P_A = 9.54*10^4
P_A = 9.5400e+04
syms pCr;
m = [0 (pCr-Px) (pCr*.076);(pCr-Py) 0 0; 0 (.076*pCr) (.0089*(pCr-P_A))]
m = 
%are there general X such that m*x = [0;0;0] ?
%if so that would be the null space
ans = Empty sym: 3-by-0
%nope, it is generally empty.
%what happens if we substitute in a particular value for pCr
m123 = subs(m, pCr, 123);
ans = 3
ans = Empty sym: 3-by-0
%nope, full rank, no non-trival null space.
%but are there specific values of pCr that lead to lower rank?
pCrit = solve(det(m))
pCrit = 
ans = 
for K = 1 : size(pCrit,1)
disp('value being substituted for pCr:')
disp('substituted matrix')
M = subs(m, pCr, pCrit(K))
disp('rank of substituted')
disp('null space of substituted')
value being substituted for pCr:
substituted matrix
M = 
rank of substituted
ans = 2
null space of substituted
ans = 
value being substituted for pCr:
substituted matrix
M = 
rank of substituted
ans = 2
null space of substituted
ans = 
value being substituted for pCr:
substituted matrix
M = 
rank of substituted
ans = 2
null space of substituted
ans = 

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