How to load PointPillars Object detector dlnetwork into Deep Network Designer
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I wish to load the dlnetwork created by the pointpillars object detector into Deep Network Designer. I want to experieriment with activation fuctions, by changing the ReLU to other types, saving the dlnetwork and running it again in the pointpillars code.
I am using the 3D lidar object dectection using Pointpillars example code. I am able to run the code and get results. I am then able to access the dlnetwork (detector.Network) and save it. I can also feed the saved dlnetwork into the pointpillarsObjectDetector fuction and get results. However, when I open the Deep Network Designer and search the workspace for a dlnetwork, it can not find anything to load.
Please help, i must be missing something obvious.
Accepted Answer
Philip Brown
on 3 May 2023
It's not currently possible to directly import a dlnetwork object into Deep Network Designer using the import dialog. You can instead convert it to a layerGraph object, edit it, then export and convert back to dlnetwork.
lg = layerGraph(dlnet);
% Use Deep Network Designer to make your edits
% Export as lgraph_1
dlnet_1 = dlnetwork(lgraph_1);
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